Using URL Shorteners in goHappy

Best practices for using URL Shorteners in goHappy in order to reduce Spam occurrences

Important Notice: URL Shorteners and SMS Deliverability


To ensure the successful delivery of your text messages, it’s crucial to be aware of how certain URL shorteners can affect your message’s reputation. Mobile carriers have stringent spam filters to protect their users from unsolicited messages. Using certain URL shorteners may trigger these filters, causing your dedicated phone number to be marked as spam.

URL Shorteners to Avoid

To prevent your messages from being flagged or blocked, avoid using the following URL shorteners in your text messages:

  • tinyURL
  • shorturl

Using any of the above can increase the likelihood of your messages being marked as spam by mobile carriers. As a result, your dedicated phone number may be compromised, affecting your overall messaging deliverability.

Recommended URL Shortener

For a smoother experience and to avoid any disruptions in your messaging campaigns, we recommend using for your URL shortening needs. is less likely to be flagged by mobile carriers, ensuring higher deliverability rates for your messages.

goHappy Policy

To maintain high standards of service and ensure the best possible delivery rates, goHappy may block the sending of messages that contain URLs shortened by the aforementioned services. Our goal is to help you achieve optimal results with your messaging campaigns.

For any further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.