Messaging Tips and Tricks

We are excited to give you the ability to reach all of your team members directly via the goHappy text messaging platform! Below are some tips & best practices to help ensure your team’s messages are relevant, easy-to-read, and grab the attention of your staff!


As a reminder, all employees are opted-in from day 1, but they can always opt-out, which is why keeping a positive tone while sending helpful and relevant messages is key! Rooting your messages in appreciation and recognition will ensure employees want to stay connected. Below are some examples:

  • Recognition related: shout-outs, special awards, appreciation, contests, etc.
  • HR related: benefits/open enrollment, referral programs, career pathing, etc.
  • Company communication: newsletters, videos from leadership, holiday/monthly celebrations

What not to send? Since employees can read these messages anytime, whether on or off the clock, you don’t want to send communication that is required to do their job, such as compliance training. However, sending a quick text to remind them of a deadline for anything required is a great use case!


What’s the right frequency of sending text messages? We’ve got you covered!

  • From Corporate: 1-2 texts per week (typically company news, referral programs, benefits, etc.)
  • From Local Field Leaders: These messages are typically the most relevant to your frontline, so we find you can send as many as you need, but we see an average of 3-4/week. (Shift coverage, shout-outs, contest winners, etc.)
  • When: Leverage the scheduling feature to ensure it goes out at the best time for your team.
  • Address company cell phone policies by including a footer “You are not required to read this message when you are off the clock & not compensated for time spent reading this message.”
  • Length: The shorter the better! Our average message length is 383 characters and we recommend you try to keep messages under 800. 


Remember, the whole organization shares the same phone number, so it’s important to identify yourself when sending a text. And because it’s a one-way text, be sure to include the call to action if you have one!

  • Who: “Hi Team! This is Sara, your Richmond Area Regional HR Leader, with a quick note!”
  • What: Need a shift covered? Asking for referrals? Reminding them about benefits?
  • How: Make sure you tell them how to take action. Shifts? Give the name and number they should text if they can pick it up. Referrals? To who & how should they submit the referral? Benefits? Provide the link to enroll and the email to the hr team if they need help. 


  • Want to test your message? Send yourself a text first!
  • Up late crafting your message? Use the “Schedule Send” feature and schedule it to go out!
  • Want to text out a video? Once you make it, send it to your goHappy Hero and they can create a private link.
  • You can include gif’s, images, links, PDF’s,etc.